1. Identification of the parties

These General Conditions of use of the services offered at the URL (hereinafter the PORTAL) are subscribed to by the owner of the domain, MARMOLERA VALLISOLETANA, S.A. whose contact e-mail address is

USERS are considered to be natural persons with the capacity to validly enter into a contract in accordance with the applicable law.

You may not use the website and may not accept the Terms and Conditions if:

  • You are not of legal age and cannot enter into a legally binding contract, or
  • You are not a USER as defined above.

2. Conclusion of the agreement

In order to use the PORTAL, you must accept these general terms and conditions (hereinafter, the Conditions), as well as those particular stipulations set out for the use and/or contracting of specific services. Otherwise, you must leave the PORTAL.

You may accept the Conditions:

  • By clicking on the button to accept the Terms, when this option is offered to you on the user interface; or
  • By actually using the Website. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the WEBSITE shall be deemed acceptance of the Terms.

The USER is advised to read these terms and conditions carefully. You may save them or print them if you wish.

3. Scope of application

These general conditions shall apply to all the services/products included on the website

The following documents are understood to be incorporated into these Conditions by reference from the same:

  • Legal Notice
  • Privacy Policy

4. Users and services offered

The PORTAL offers services open to the entire public that visits it.

The use of the services offered on the website is subject to prior acceptance and compliance with the Conditions by the USER.

The use of the services offered on the site is free of charge unless expressly stated otherwise.

5. Privacy policy

The personal data provided through the PORTAL will be processed by for the purposes described in the conditions set out in the Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Conditions of Use by reference from this section.

6. Price of the products offered and taxes

The services offered on the portal are free of charge unless otherwise stated.

For the prices shown, where applicable, it is detailed in the “Specific Contracting Conditions” whether or not they include VAT, the complete payment process and the complete conditions for contracting products or services.

7. Cancellation of services

The services provided by the portal for the generality of users are free and merely informative, and therefore do not require any action to cease, only the mere desire of the user not to visit the PORTAL.

8. Responsibilities

Of the portal:
It shall not be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for:

  • The quality of the service, as they are provided “as is” and the COMPANY does not provide any guarantee with respect to them.
  • Damage that may be caused to the user’s equipment by the use of the portal.
  • Vices and defects of any kind in the content transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.

The COMPANY is responsible for changes in the prices of the products/services it offers and for notifying users/customers as soon as possible by personal communication or by updating the contents of the PORTAL.

The user:
The user/customer shall be responsible for:

  • For the data and information entered and sent to the COMPANY in the available forms.
  • For the performance of any type of unlawful, harmful, harmful and/or damaging action.

9. Intellectual and industrial property

The entirety of this website: text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, colour combinations, structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, object and source codes; are the property of the COMPANY or third parties, and their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use, and the USER must respect the stipulations of the Legal Notice that appears on the PORTAL, which is incorporated into these Conditions by reference from this section.

10. Minors

Minors must request and obtain permission from their parents, guardian or legal representative before being able to access the content hosted on the PORTAL. Unauthorised minors are prohibited from accessing and using the portal.

The COMPANY reminds adult users who are responsible for minors that it is their sole responsibility to determine which services and/or content are appropriate for minors, and informs them of the existence of computer programmes to limit browsing by filtering or blocking certain content.

11. Source

These conditions are written in Spanish and are subject to current Spanish legislation. For any type of dispute arising from the use of the services offered or the contents of the portal, the parties, by accepting these Conditions, will submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the town where MARMOLERA VALLISOLETANA, S.A. has its registered office.

In addition, we remind you that in the event that you are an individual acting for purposes unrelated to your commercial or business activities, your trade or profession, you may use the online dispute resolution platform which can be found at the following link:

12. Additional terms and conditions

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section headings are for convenience of reference only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of the relevant section.